First off thank you for taking your time to read this.
Basically, I have been testing ads for my game called Shape Smasher Simulator, because I want to make sure that people would actually want to play it before wasting my time and going all in. One of my problems is that I haven’t really gotten too much feedback from players. If you could give me some feedback on anything about or in the game (gameplay, icon, thumbnails, engagement, etc.) I’d be very grateful.
This game is great in my opinion, although I’ll go through some aspects that need some tweaking.
First of all, the icons and thumbnails need to be more “eye-catching” (maybe try doing a “lvl 0” → “lvl 100!!!” format for an icon or as one of the first thumbnails the player sees.)
Gameplay is pretty satisfying, although I was a bit confused on where I had to go when I first joined, so add an arrow for new players that points towards the area with the shapes. The enemy bots’ fighting style is way too complex for the average player. You should add a “Easy” and “Hard” mode (with hard mode earning more coins, but having longer fight cooldowns). Hard is with the current enemy bot AI, easy is with a simplified version of the AI, having the bot not dodge/destroy your projectiles nor predict your movement, AKA just plainly following you (and keeping it’s distance) and shooting at your exact location.
Levelling up also seems a bit slow even with the “shape levelling up” mechanic, so add in a “score boost for a certain amount of time” mechanic to speed up the process a bit.
Bugs: While fighting an enemy bot, I can lose and win at the same time.
It says I was in a “versus” battle with someone, even though I was in the lobby, not 1v1ing anyone.
Thank you so much for your feedback, I will definitely take the time and add in every mechanic you have mentioned, but I’m not too keen on exactly what the score boost for a certain amount of time would detail, but I’m assuming it’s something like every square of a number times ten (ex: 10, 40, 90, 160, 250, 360…) then you get a “Score Frenzy” (or something similar) where for the next 60 seconds you get 2x score and then I could just make some sort of rainbow effect on the screen while the “Score Frenzy” is still going on.
As far the bug, thanks for finding it. If you would be willing to share how it was replicated, I would appreciate it. (It probably has something to do with winning and losing at the same time, which if that’s the case I think I know how to fix it.)