Help with getting my game Bomb Rush out there

So recently I made a game called Bomb Rush! Its a bomberman styled roblox game. I make projects like this almost twice a month, and I want to get some people to play it. My budget is around 1.5k robux, any suggestions? Check out the game here if you want : Bomb Rush! - Roblox


With that budget, sponsors/advertisement is not going to do well (normally you need around 20k).

If you know anyone semi-large, ask if they would like to help, though always do something for them after that to show appreciation.

Social media is a very good way to expand (Twitter, YouTube, etc.).

If none of those comply, try to tell your friends to show their friends, and for those people to show their friends, etc.
The first thing you see upon opening Roblox is your friends list, and what game their playing.

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The best way is advertising and sponsorships.

I’d suggest using advertising because a game icon doesn’t really convey your game but an advertisement can.

You also get lots of impressions through ads but you need to create something eye catching and entertaining as 1k robux isn’t really enough to generate a large or profitable player count.

You need a new icon. Try something 3D, like a person running from bombs. Same with the thumbnails, redo them.

You should get a better icon so that it looks better. I recommend saving your allowance and premium for a bit. When you get to 10k I think that you should sponsor your game.

Sponsors are quite not a good approach at the moment since developers receive low ‘CTR’ since the new changes that where made are making them show up less I would consider putting money into advertising your game or promote it on social media to create a fanbase and see if people actual enjoy it, if your wanting an different option.

Firstly, I haven’t played your game put I would getting your friends or family to play your game to see if it’s enjoyable or worth putting money into it you should try figuring other options not only to gain players but to make those players continue playing your game and returning back. Your game idea is sort of decent but try making it attractive give information on what players will be expecting to see.

You could promote your game on twitter or a active community base as it’s a good way to gain players even if your wanting to sponsor your game on different devices that users tend to play on. I wouldn’t really sponsor your game, you could advertise it or promote it in a active community: there are threads that go into more depth about sponsoring or advertising your game; or getting players to play it.

Erm; you are wrong.

If you manage to push out a well made ad, with high quality; it doesn’t matter how much you invest as it can get clicks as it looks visually appealing.

The way people work nowadays is that they wont click anything low quality; but dumb and weird ads also can be clicked due to interest in the product.

It really depends how you want people to find your game to be, like amusing, weird, serious, etc.

1.5k is a reasonable amount. 1k in ads works well.