Hi, I’m researching Roblox API calls for getting group information such as role permissions, and it works but only the permissions of the default role is provided. Which obviously has no permissions.
Is this because I don’t have permission to view permissions of roles above the default one? If so, is there an alternative?
(The goal is getting users with “manageGroupUniverses” to verify if they are a developer of the groups games)
local gs = game:GetService("GroupService")
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
for i,group in pairs(gs:GetGroupsAsync(345670985)) do
local id = group["Id"]
local request = http:JSONDecode(
Url = `https://apis.roproxy.com/cloud/v2/groups/{id}/roles?maxPageSize=1000000000&pageToken=`,
Method = "GET",
Headers = {
["x-api-key"] = "" -- your api key
for i=1, #request["groupRoles"] do