Help with GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync

I have the following script:

local CreatorID = game.CreatorId
local success, CreatorInfo = pcall(function()
return Players:GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync({CreatorID})
local CreatorDisplayName = CreatorInfo.DisplayName
local UseDisplayName = true
if not UseDisplayName then
	CreatorLabel.Text = "By "..CreatorName
	CreatorLabel.Text = "By "..CreatorDisplayName --erroring line

However, I get the following error:

Players.octav20071.PlayerGui.LoadingScreen.BlackFrame.Script:39: attempt to concatenate string with nil 

What’s the issue?
Edit: I have also tried this:

local success, CreatorInfo = pcall(function()
	if not success then warn("warning") return end
	return Players:GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync({CreatorID})

…and it printed “warning”.

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Hmm should work but… try this I guess?

local CreatorID = game.CreatorId

local success, CreatorInfo = pcall(function()
    return Players:GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync({CreatorID})

local UseDisplayName = true

if not UseDisplayName then
	CreatorLabel.Text = "By "..CreatorName
	CreatorLabel.Text = "By ".. CreatorInfo.DisplayName --erroring line

I get the following error now:

Players.octav20071.PlayerGui.LoadingScreen.BlackFrame.Script:40: attempt to index nil with 'DisplayName'

Where line 40 is the line you edited

By the way where’s the CreatorName variable at?

Full locals:

-- Services
local GroupService = game:GetService("GroupService")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local UserService = game:GetService("UserService")
-- Setting up the Game information, such as Creator Name, Game Name
local GameId = game.PlaceId
local GameInfo = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(GameId)
local CreatorID = game.CreatorId
local success, CreatorInfo = pcall(function()
	if not success then warn("warning") return end
	return UserService:GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync({CreatorID})
local CreatorType = game.CreatorType
local CreatorName = Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(CreatorID)
--local CreatorDisplayName = CreatorInfo.DisplayName
local GameName = GameInfo.Name
local GameIcon = GameInfo.IconImageAssetId
-- Setting up the UI variables
local Frame = script.Parent
local GraphicsFrame = Frame.GraphicsFrame
local InfoFrame = Frame.InfoFrame
-- UI pieces we're gonna use
local CreatorLabel = InfoFrame.CreatorLabel
local PlaceLabel = InfoFrame.PlaceLabel
local PlaceIcon = InfoFrame.PlaceIcon
local RobloxSpinner = GraphicsFrame.LoadingImage
local AdditionalText = InfoFrame.UiMessageFrame.UiMessage
-- The variable below is the text you will see at AdditionalText (optional)
local AdditionalText_Text = ""
-- Set to true if you want to use the Creator's display name instead of username
local UseDisplayName = true

I don’t really know what’s the issue

I do recommend taking a look here

I did. I did 10 times. I used the code sample with the pcall too…?

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I’m currently not on studio. I’ll go in a bit. I’ll inform you if I find anything new

You’re using the function incorrectly, it returns a table of dictionaries with the info that you wanted


If you want to get the display name in this case, you’d do CreatorInfo[1].DisplayName, or CreatorInfo[1]["DisplayName"] since you’re only inputting 1 userid, there’s a chance it can error is roblox services to get the info is down or for other reasons, so make sure to put some checks as well

I really doubt the services going down anytime soon, since I am checking the Status Page everyday.
And, it works. Thanks!

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