Help with GFX Pricing

Hey there, so I’m thinking of making a commission sheet, but I need a bit of help for pricing. The current prices are 100 - 250 for a logo/ad, and 150 - 350 for a thumbnail. I’m not sure whether I should lower my prices, higher them, or not even do commissions at all. I would really appreciate helping me out here, thanks for reading. Examples are below.

Here are the examples



I think you should definitely higher them. I’m no pro in pricing myself but I’d suggest at least 1k or more for a thumbnail, and slightly less for a logo or add obviously

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Thanks for replying, I’ll take your advice but probably make the prices negotiable so I can get more commissions. Thanks!

Just don’t go below 1k, hard line there. Good luck!

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First of all, WOW! That is some amazing GFX. I really love it. Some GFX doesn’t look that great but the rest of the GFX looks astonishing, like this one:

I’d price that at around 5k-10k. Really nice work.


Thanks! I’ll definitely price my thumbnails to at least 1k, and I’ll change the prices higher or lower depending on how satisfied people were. Thanks for helping!

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Your current pricing is way too low. You need to higher up the prices, especially for the thumbnails. They are high quality so if I’d buy one, I’d pay around 1k - 2k robux.

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Thanks, I’ll definitely decide on a higher price, I’m just trying to not go over a limit that will stop me from getting as much commissions. Thanks for helping!


Those are really nice! I feel like with better poses I’d buy them for 3-5k.


Really good works! I think your prices may be a little low for those works, as they look like they took a while to make. For an ad/logo I think 750-1k would be a reasonable price, and for a thumbnail 1.2k-1.5k.


I would raise the price! I LOVE them! I don’t do GFX so I dont know exactly how high, but more!


I have a suggestion, try putting more light on the faces so it feels less dark.


Quality work here, I’d price them for 1k+ depending on the job.


Well. These look good, but I have a low amount of ROBUX. So why not make them cheaper? For logos, make it 50 ROBUX because it is a minor item. For an ad, make it 75 to 200 ROBUX for depending on how detailed it will be. For the thumbnails, it should be 125 to 1.5K ROBUX, also depending on how detailed it is. I think these prices can save some developers ROBUX if they don’t have much.


Great work, I’d suggest making the thumbnail prices higher. Atleast over 1k in robux.

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Yeah, making them not too high was a necessity for me especially since I try to get hired in places other than the Dev Forum, but going down to 50 and 75 is a no-no for me.


That Looks so cool! :smile: :smile:

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I don’t think you’re allowed to ask for pricing, but anyway, make your prices higher because they are really really good, especially this one, this could easily be 5k or maybe more

prices should be like 1.5k or more
edit: this is a year old, of course


these prices are reasonable in my opinion.

Turn the prices up to 100-1500 for game logos and 500-3500 for thumbnails.