so i am a small creator, and i am trying to learn how to make GFX’s using blender. Unfortunately for me my, design has multiple people in it, all of which i want to render. i looked up how to use multiple rigs in blender but none were compatible with what i was trying to do, so as my last resort i come to all of you, if you have a solution please tell me.
Can you go into more detail on what the issue is. I seem to be able to use multiple rigs just fine.
Hey! I’ve been making GFX’s for about 2 years now, there’s a few rigs I can recommend. The first being SoftGB’s rig (featured on RoBuilder’s GFX video), it includes R15 & R6 rigs; these rigs work well for people starting out with GFX’s. The rig I personally use it “Paint rig”, it hasn’t been updated by it’s creator recently but it’s a solid rig. Just search up “Paint Rig ROBLOX” on YouTube and you should find it. Goodluck on your future creations!