Remove the underlined equal sign and after it (don’t remove end)
But when i look at the script error it shows end is the error
It’s end) not end sorry for not clarifying
local ShopFrame = script.Parent.Parent['Buy Wins frame']
ShopFrame.Visible = not ShopFrame.Visible
Yea like that but remove [“Buy Wins frame”] at the top
and i want all to close when wins shop is closed
the button that opens/closes the gui shouldnt have the shop frame as it’s parent…
Its the bottom one
wait wait - the green is supposed to be a separate shop button of its own instead of opening in the shop frame??
The green button is spoused to open green frame Wins shop is soposed to open Yellow frame with orange it work but.
Yellow is spopsed to close And green is only for green box
so basically the winshopGui button can open its frame and buy wins can open its own separately?
both the frame and button’s parent should be the ScreenGui (Wins Shop)
… It is already like that it just lemme show you video
im rlly confused what excatly is suppsoed to be happening
ohhh i get it now… make buy wins button’s Parent be Wins
its almost good but when i click the button the green frame stays and when i click Buy wins wins shop closes
i need to change a bit of script