Guys can you help me (I am new) so i don’t really know how to fix this but its driving me off can you help
Video :robloxapp-20230918-0955246.wmv (880.4 KB)
Images :
Code : local ShopFrame = script.Parent.Parent[“Buy Wins frame”]
ShopFrame.Visible = not ShopFrame.Visible
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What doesn’t work exactly?
Look on the video i posted it on first
The green button should be working for green frame and when wins shop is closed it gets closed as well
Do you have any idea? To fix this problem
it doesnt close both of them cuz youre only targeting the shopFrame and not the button too
(btw u can use to upload vids)
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do you know how to make the close
you can make the parent of both the button and the frame into the wins shop frame
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You can do (add to mouseButton1Click)
script.Parent.Parent.Wins.Visible = not script.Parent.Parent.Wins.Visible
Do i remove remove anything or do i add before or after
Add after this line, it should turn off the frame now
parent the frame and button into the wins shop gui and use grassperson’s script
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I dont know how to do that i just know nothing
Who do i make the parent the winss Shop or winsshopgui
for example, the parent of Buy Wins Frame
is Gui
as buyWins
parent is Buy Wins Frame
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yeah that is correct. now try testing it out
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