Help with GUI button not working

So I made a script for a button that disappears when you press it but it doesn’t disappear

This is the code:

local PlayButton = script.Parent.PlayButton

PlayButton.Visible = false
Can somebody help me fix this problem?

MouseButton1Click not MouseButtonClick. IF that doesn’t work, a few extra questions

Is PlayButton a TextButton or an ImageButton? If not, then they must be for MouseButton1Click to work

Script must be a Localscript, not a regular script

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If this is a server script, the changes won’t be replicated to the client

Oooooh no I just forgot the 1 in the article but thanks I forgot to put the script in localscript

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Well it’s an imagebutton I did put it in a local script this time but it still doesn’t work

Any errors? May I see both the code and where the imagebutton is located in the explorer?

Sorry for bad quality

Isn’t it


instead of


What’s your code right now? I think your issue, if the script is in the PlayButton, is that you’re doing script.Parent.PlayButton instead of script.Parent

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I know it’s just a mistake in the article

Ah okay then I didn’t see that my mistake.

Thanks it worked! 30 (characters)

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Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

Is it a local script? It usually doesn’t work if it is a local script.

Tip: I see you have multiple scripts for each button. You could put everything in one script.

-- Example Script
local Button1 = script.Parent.Button1
local Button2 = script.Parent.Button2

print("Button 1 Clicked")

print("Button 2 Clicked")
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100 -- Heal the player
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