Help with gui or whatever

on the top i have the reworked room frame
and on the bottom i have the old one, it looks odd because it was made for a differnet lobby frame, but im stuck with how im supposed to show if the room is locked or not (wiether it requires a password to join or not)
the orignal lock doesnt fit and i cant change it to the white color, so im unsure what i should attempt to put inspot of the lock on the new frame

Hey there, I have a few recommendations from what I’ve seen other games do in situations like this.

  • Once the room is locked, change the “Join Room” text to “Room Full” and disable them from having the ability to clicking the button and joining the room.

  • If the lock is an imagelabel, can’t you just size it down and fit it in regardless?

  • Searching online, there are a bunch of white-lock graphic images you could use instead of the one you currently use.

I hope this helps.

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As the person above said, you can use a new image, you can find plenty of CC0 icons of locks.
You could also make it yourself.

Whether the room has a password can be done on the server side, and that is a scripting thing. However, I have experience with both.

You can create instances in the ServerStorage (do NOT use ReplicatedStorage as exploiters can view this and get access to data), and store all the details into a folder. Set the folder as the room name or ID and put a bunch of StringValues into the folder and make a remote to invoke the server to check if the password is right or wrong.

You can also make an array on the server, instead of using instances which is more efficient but requires more knowledge.

Good luck. :slight_smile:

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