What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I tried changing the x scale value but that didn’t work
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As you can see in the studio the health bar looks good, but when I look at it as a different device it looks too short (I used scale, not offset, so this confuses me) and in the game it looks too big. Any solutions? Thanks!
Why not just use offset? I don’t think anyone with a large display (e.g 1440p) wants a huge health bar blocking their view, that’s a reason people get higher resolution displays.
Not for positioning. If you used 0.5 on X scale for an object, it would be centred on the horizontal axis regardless of device resolution. If you used 960px offset (half of 1920 for 1080p resolutions) it wouldn’t be centred on 720p or 1440p or any other resolution.