Hey! So I’m working on a game, and the place’s owner is @Plethoa and somehow a plugin they’ve installed has inserted thousands of scripts that were hacks. So I used my backdoor scanner, and it detected loads of hacks that were inserting modules that claimed to be “anti exploit”.
But, there is an option to remove the scripts, but it would also delete vital scripts.
So I tried to put something in command bar that would find the hacks, and put them in a folder so I could double check they were hacks then delete them, but nothing went into the folder.
This is what I put in command bar:
for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants())do
if v:IsA("Script") and v.Name == ""then
v.Parent = game.ServerStorage.UnderReview
This is the code that’s in loads of the models, and parts:
Check for scripts that contain “require”, and delete them, though i’am not sure if there are “vital” scripts that contain “require” and aren’t from this backdoor.
there is a technical to delete them when you do not have access to the file, but I forget them, I advise you to search on the form or to create a new game without the plugin
It’s obfusucated for a reason.
Also I just found what was causing the thing. I found a script that was using loads of shady practices, and it had market place service in. The name also looked like a hack. This is the code: