This is 9 year old humor. Insulting to the help section, making a mockey of it.
Not every thread has to be serious, it’s not like there’s dozens like this on the front page; it’s a single one. Why so serious? grow up
You asked if this thread was trolling. Just answering your question accurately. I am being serious because this is seriously the help section.
Most likely, the OP joined devforum on the same day this was posted.
as ive said before the modulo operator is very confusing for new players and its unoptimized cause it runs two tasks, the OP’s method is much better and better for readability.
I no longer care… I thought he was looking for actual help … clearly this is a troll post.
im not trolling… ops method is way better…
what do you call a man without a body and a nose?
nobody nose!
that was a big wall of text you sent up there…
This is nothing but ridiculousness. Show me the program that uses this over a simple math function.
no program has yet adapted to this new, optimized, efficient code that OP has developed, since its so new… games i create in the future will be some of the first to use it
I think you meant to say no program ever. Let me save you some time here and show you the outcome.
- OUT OF MEMORY - Error: Stack Overflow
The joke stop being funny when a few new programers started taking this seriously.
“games i create in the future will be some of the first to use it”
And how long do you figure infinitely will take to finish? My function is good to go right now!
thats the outcome when you use the modulo operator, since the modulo operator uses 2 tasks
Let’s have a competition. I’ll go first:
Done in the year 2024
function isEven(number)
return number % 2 == 0
local N=1003472624734
Output: true
Let me know when you get that far…
If this was made as a joke I don’t see why you’re getting triggered, I’m LOL at it.
OP’s script doesn’t support very high numbers yet since its fairly new. But, it’s still much more efficient.
I’ll use the number 192,184
for this test:
using OP’s script: 1.938182 nanoseconds
using modulo operator: 18.191342 nanoseconds
This is not more efficient and I truly hope you are trolling.
Also the competition goal is 1003472624734.
#1 You’ll never get that far with it working.
#2 At that point your nanoseconds with be more like seconds.
The roblox moderators need to close this topic, it getting goofy
You’re right. The OP is trying hard to rage bait everyone in efforts to grow this thread and keep it active. What’s the worst part? People still buy in and try to reason with the OP. You can obviously tell they have no intention of accepting anything effective.
This clown show has grown far too big ngl
I agree however…
Really didn’t fall into the joke (I knew). Pretty sure this definitely closed this question out for good.
It just looked like disinformation to me that a few were actually taking seriously.
You guys fell for the biggest obvious Devforum troll and it’s insane you don’t realize this is probably just some kid who made a Python code to spam elseif statements 9999x :steam_laughcry: