Help with handwritten advanced number system

Ok that was unexpected …

Them numbers are a bit to high they exceed the precision that Lua can accurately handle for integers. Lua uses 64-bit double-precision floating-point numbers, which limits the accuracy for large integers. It can accurately represent integers up to 2^53 (or 9,007,199,254,740,992) without losing precision.

you think people are going to care about seventeen billionths of a second?

Hi, I don’t understand English well, and I’m new to the Roblox programing. I don’t understand replies it’s hard for me. Me trying my best to create good script to make people happy :smiley:, not to other. Please try to understand me.

How about you try to understand others? :skull:

People have given essay length type explanations and you denied every one. If its a language barrier issue there’s an inbuilt tpage translator

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They’re obviously trolling this is too funny :sob:

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have you seen the scripting support and code review sections of this forum…? :sob:



this takes the last number of the number and checks if its even or not (the number is in a string because if it wasnt then the number was too big for roblox)

function isEven(number)
	local stringNum = tostring(number)
	local firstNumber = stringNum:sub(#stringNum,#stringNum)
	return tonumber(firstNumber) % 2 == 0

--returns true because the last nubmer "0" is even
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I dont know sorry, I no really understand some of words you said.

I thought of this too. To bad no one is actually looking to learn anyhing in this post.
Maybe Robox could add a … Ridiculously Childish section.

please give your fingers a break

Well if you know how the modulo (%) works you will understand.

The modulo (%) is associated with division.
Here’s an example:
Equation: 4 % 2
hmm idk lemme do division
4 / 2 = 2
alr the remainder of that is 0 cuz nothing is left over

ChatGPT trying to help you understand modulo so that its not complicated

Imagine you have 10 cookies and you want to share them equally with 3 friends. Each friend would get 3 cookies, and you’d have 1 cookie left over.

In math, this leftover cookie is like the “remainder” when you divide. We call this division with a remainder “modulo.”

So, if we say “10 modulo 3,” we’re asking, “What’s the remainder when we divide 10 by 3?”

In this case, the remainder is 1. So, 10 modulo 3 is 1. It’s like asking, “How many are left after sharing equally?”

Your is far from easy to understand (Like yes its easy but its…), his one is easier to be honest

this resource has been great, but numbers in my game are now heading into the billions. think you could do me a solid and update it a more?

Uhhh, wanna see?

Let’s do the math:

2024*2 = 4048

You said a number with 294 zeros so I pick this number:


Finally I have to multiply 4048 by 10^294, here’s the result:


based on idk what
sun dies in a few billion years (idk sometimes i hear 5 billion sometimes 7 billion, idk)
either way, that’s only 9 zeros

that is a far cry from 297

Adding onto this post. This is the best method of finding even numbers:

local function CheckEvenOdd(x:string) -- The super cute number finder.
	x = tostring(x)
	if #x > 100 then
		return "Number is too big for me. >w<" -- I am not a black hole. Give me something easily digestable!!
	elseif #x < 2 then
		return "Number is too small for me. >w<" -- You need to get better at providing bigger stuff.
	x = string.reverse(x)
	x = string.sub(x,1,1)
	local the_last_Digit_of_x = tonumber(x) -- The last digit. The chosen one!!
	local all_the_even_digits_till_ten = { -- My feelings for even numbers. x3
		[0] = "Master Zero",
		[2] = "Senpai Two",
		[4] = "Oni-Chan Four",
		[6] = "Daddy Six",
		[8] = "Mommy Eight",
	local all_the_odd_digits_till_ten = { -- My feelings for odd numbers. (ew)
		[1] = "Uncle One",
		[3] = "Annoying Three",
		[5] = "Peasant Five",
		[7] = "Overrated Seven",
		[9] = "Ugly Nine",

	local the_potential_odd_last_digit_of_x = all_the_odd_digits_till_ten[the_last_Digit_of_x] -- Is x an odd number? (ew)
	local the_potential_even_last_digit_of_x = all_the_even_digits_till_ten[the_last_Digit_of_x] -- Is she an even? (:OOO)

	if the_potential_even_last_digit_of_x then -- Is she even?
		return "Oooo... the number is even!! OwO Because your number ends with "..the_potential_even_last_digit_of_x
	elseif the_potential_odd_last_digit_of_x then -- Is she even a girl?
		return "Awwwwww... the number is a filthy odd one... >_< Because your number ends with "..the_potential_odd_last_digit_of_x
	else -- No... she must be trans then!! <3
end -- The end. :p

This script, while being the MOST accurate method of finding odds and even, also tells me why the number is odd or even.

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this will help you support an infinite amount of numbers

local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local SUPPORT_COUNT = 100 -- Number Of Generated If Statments

local txt = "local ifEven \nlocal ifUnEven \nlocal number \nif number == 0 then \n\tifEven\n"
local scriptCopy ="Script", ServerStorage)

for i=1, SUPPORT_COUNT do
	txt = txt .. `elseif number == {i} then\n\t{i % 2 ==0 and "ifEven" or "ifUnEven"}\n`
txt = txt .. 'else\n\tprint("Unsopported number")\nend'
scriptCopy.Source = txt

add this script in server script service and run this command in the command line


once you run it a new script will be generated in server storage change the variable SUPPORT_COUNT to the amount of numbers that you want to support