Why cant u just use math to figure out if its a even or odd number
like 1 % 2 = is not 0 then its odd
Thats like so simple
But if it’s truly handwritten, she must be writing it all in a notebook and then using a photocopier to scan it into her computer, then use a tool to extract the text from an image.
Thats like even more work
Hard work (can) pays off. (uh, worded that bad lol)
Bro u can develop carpal tunnel syndrome from writing too much (in 1 sitting), lets just say this is rage bait
Everyone here should have came to that conclusion a long time ago.
Yeah fr, but technically the post cant get shut down, since logically u cant tell, but mentally u can tell
no way this thread is still active
Just released 1 BILLION version
After me working hard year I finaly finished my goal, a bilion: https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/5f3b36f9-16c3-4362-b28f-9c72567333e2
Replying to people
Cause I write keyboard hands
Me faster smarter
Thank you so much! Can you add support for negative numbers?
i think im convinced this isnt rage bait anymore lol
although its 49% convinced
44.6 GB for a lua file. that’s crazy to be honest
Awesome work, @LotoNika! Keep it up and don’t listen to the haters, I believe in your coding skills. You might be able to win a Roblox Innovation Award if you continue releasing algorithms and systems on a level similar, if not higher, than this one! I’ve attached my detailed opinions on your number system in the audio file included with this reply. Please listen to them carefully so I can convey my full appreciation for your marvel of programming.
Thank you! I’ve implemented this into my future game. Just that, whenever I try to run it, this happens:
can you plz fix??°!?!?!?!
it means that its working. its just calculating as it should be. just wait a bit.
you have to wait a bit more, then it’ll finish