Help with image appearing outside the bounds of a scrolling frame

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  • I want to make the ImageLabel not clip outside of the scrolling frame.
  1. What is the issue?
  • I’m just very confused as to why the ImageLabel is appearing outside the bounds of the scrolling frame but everything else is not. Help would be very much appreciated!
    -Screenshot of issue-

I know this probably has a simple solution, but I’m a beginner with UI so please be considerate.

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Hmm. I would suggest something to do with the Z-index property but maybe not. Hard to tell without being able to see all of the properties of everything in the scrolling frame. Can you export the scrolling frame and upload it here to help check?

I did try messing with the Z-Index of the basically everything (Including the scroll frame) to no avail, unfortunately. But here’s all the properties of the scroll frame still.

I figured out the problem. Its because I have the image rotated 180 degrees. When I change the rotation back to 0 the ImageLabel stops clipping outside the scrolling frame. Would you consider this a bug? I have a feeling that its an unintended consequence in Studios.

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Does your images have rotation set to smth not zero? if yes, then set it to zero bc roblox don’t clips descendants then.

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Sadly, this “bug” is stated even in documentation. Seems like ROBLOX won’t even try to fix it at all.


Yep I had noticed that but wasnt sure. One thing I’m kinda still surprised hasn’t been figured out yet with guis.

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That’s really annoying ngl. Thanks for the info though.

Oh, thank you, you helped me a lot as a reader of the topic in solving my problem.