Hello. I have two parts. One is a mesh that animates. It will simulate water waves close to the player, and the second will just be a flat mesh that expands out into oblivion.
The second mesh is almost just like the first in appearance, but it doesn’t have 3d waves and an animating texture.
The second mesh needs to be cut at the center so there is room for the animated meshpart to sit in the middle.
The meshes must be slightly transparent which means that I can’t place the second part under the first, or it would be obvious.
Here’s an example of what I am trying to do.
I’ve tried using a mesh with a cut in the middle, but the meshparts can’t get bigger than 2048. I’ve tried a part with a speicalmesh, but then the material variants can’t load. Can anybody help me out?
(textured part: first, red part: second)
Sorry for the jumbled mess of replies and rechecked solutions. So, there is an issue with PBR (I am pretty sure).
When far away, roblox unloads a lot of detail which kind of messes everything up.
hmmm… try adding the big mesh with a hole in it but also
That still might not work out since you could still see the bad PBR from far away.
i suppose… if you were up high enough… will the player be up high enough?
you could also make a non pbr texture that looks like the pbr texture even from far away. or something like that.
It’s a plane building game. 
minimum character count
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Oh… well um…
did this work?
if not…
is terrain water, not an option? even as a filler?
I’m assuming the animated water will follow the player around on the client side to make it look like the entire water is animated. (I could be wrong)
What if you had a layer of terrain water underneath it? would that affect gameplay?
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do you think if you grouped them it would force them to load all at once?
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Yes, the render distance thing really messes up airplane games. My roblox terrain water disappears at a relatively low altitude exposing my dry looking underwater decorations. So the water just evaporates?!!
For the far distances I just had to end up using the silly specialmesh to oblivion with no cutout.
edit: wow i think they improved the roblox water render distance, I was going to get a screenshot of it and my water isn’t vanishing now! yay
I apologize for the wait. I can not use terrain water. Thankfully, I was able to work with your concept in the end, but it took a lot of messing around. lol
The only issue is the image below, but at this point, I might just replace it all with just one part when your camera is high enough for the issue to happen.
Thank you for the help so far. I will update you on progress.
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It also turned out it was the colormap that was messing everything up, but the water still looks fine without the colormap, so I’m thankfully not having that issue anymore.
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