Help with invisible collisions

I have a hole in my map, which you are supposed to be able to jump down easily. Like this;

However the problem is that you can’t, there’s a strange invisible collision that stops you, as seen here

As you move further towards the middle of the hole, you are able to fit through a very small gap.

The surrounding parts are all unions that had this cylinder negated from them which the character is supposed to be able to fall through. The CollisionFidelity is set to “PreciseConvexDecomposition” for all of these unions.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? or why it’s happening

It’s most likely due to how the collision data has been applied to that union.

You can see this with the DecompositionGeometry toggle:

Or if you have the plugin:

This will show you the areas that Collisions will take effect. Preview:

To fix this, you will have to redo the union most likely, until the collision is how you want it to be. Or learn blender and create the object as a mesh.

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Hello, @C9OQI. I understand you were having a problem with union invisible collisions. I am very sorry that I was not able to respond in time. To solve the issue of invisible collision in roblox, you must change the default settings of union collisions. Roblox automatically forms poor collisions on unions since unions can take up preformance in your game. If you want to have accurate collisions in unions, do the following:


  1. RenderFidelity to Precise
  2. CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition

These changes will remove issues with collision boxes since roblox will compute the collision boxes with more detail.