Help with items

Hello there!

I made a script that says when a player that is in my group and his rank is 1 it puts him in a specific team and gives him a weapon but the problem is the weapon does not appear.

Can you help?

This is my script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local function playerAdded(player)

	local playerRank = player:GetRankInGroup(33119741)

	local Bp = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
	if playerRank <= 1 then
		player.Team = Teams : FindFirstChild("Presintential Guard")
		local clone = ReplicatedStorage.Musket:Clone()
		clone.Parent = Bp


	if playerRank >= 2  then
		player. Team = Teams : FindFirstChild("Member Of The Greeks Parliament")

	if playerRank >= 3 then
		player. Team = Teams : FindFirstChild("Chiefs Of The Greek Presintential Guard")

	if playerRank >= 255 then
		player. Team = Teams : FindFirstChild("Prime Minister")



players. PlayerAdded : Connect (playerAdded)

have you tried doing clone.Parent = player.Backpack instead of using the variable?

You’re determining the variable BP before the if statement, which checks if the playerRank >= 1

Does not work either.Anything else?

Still nothing I don’t know why…

you use Teams but you don’t have a variable for it

I don’t think that’s the case. I am asking for the item.

If the script errors before the line that isn’t working, then that will cause the issue.

so, if the script errors because you’re using Teams without it being an actual variable, then nothing after that line will work

It doesn’t show any errors at the line.

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams") -- You need to get the Teams service

local function playerAdded(player)
    local playerRank = player:GetRankInGroup(33119741)
    local Bp = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")

    if playerRank <= 1 then 
        player.Team = Teams:FindFirstChild("Presidential Guard") -- Fixed typo in team name
        local clone = ReplicatedStorage.Musket:Clone()
        clone.Parent = Bp
    elseif playerRank >= 2 and playerRank < 3 then -- Changed to include players with rank 2 but not rank 3
        player.Team = Teams:FindFirstChild("Member Of The Greek Parliament")
    elseif playerRank >= 3 and playerRank < 255 then -- Changed to include players with rank 3 but not rank 255
        player.Team = Teams:FindFirstChild("Chiefs Of The Greek Presidential Guard")
    elseif playerRank >= 255 then
        player.Team = Teams:FindFirstChild("Prime Minister")


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Nothing again I don’t know what to do.

you said there is no output right, maybe code gets stuck somewhere at one point

No I checked everything there.

ah got it, maybe you wrote the group id wrong? if thats the case check it

No because the script works but the only thing it doesn’t work is the item giver

can you explain the issue a bit more? i think i know the solutiom

Is the item even cloning? If it is not giving the item, it is not cloning then?

I made this script which says that if a player is in my group in roblox and he is at a specific rank he will be in a specific team.Now about the rank with the item I have the issue the rank that it says its the 1st rank which is the Supporter if that player has that rank he will be in the guards team so he will get a weapon that other teams don’t but that weapon does not appear at my backpack. I hope that helps…

I will check I will use print…

try to use findfirstchild insstead of waitforchild