Help with jumping script

Hello I’m working on a jump script. When you jump 3 times it’ll give the character a cooldown to jump again. I’ve succeeded on this part but I can’t figure out how to make it so if the Player jumps once or twice and doesn’t jump again after a while that the count will go back to 0. So if the player doesn’t jump for say 8 seconds then the count will go back to 3. This is my script:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Humanoid = Player.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)

jumps = 0
maxjumps = 3


if jumps == maxjumps then
	jumps = 0 

	if not IsJumping or jumps == 1 or jumps == 2 and task.wait(8) then
		jumps = 0

		if IsJumping then
			jumps = jumps + 1


probably use runservice and set on the priority list 2000 is ran after character, so something like
Runservice:BindToRenderSteppee("disable jumping",2000,function,()humanoid.jumping=false end)

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How about setting a variable outside the jumping function in the script called something like lastJumpTime, and every time the player jumps, set the lastJumpTime = tick() or Os.Time() etc. Whenever a player jumps, check the lastJumpTime and if it’s been 8 seconds or more, set jumps back to 0.

local MAX_JUMPS = 3 -- How many jumps until cooldown
local JUMP_COOLDOWN = 3 -- How many seconds the cooldown lasts
local JUMP_REST_TIME = 8 -- How many seconds of not jumping for jumps to be restored

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

-- Wait for humanoid to load
local humanoid = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local jumps = 0

local function jumpRestore()
	while true do
		jumps = 0
local jumpRestoreThread = nil

humanoid.Jumping:Connect(function(isJumping) -- When we jump
	if jumps >= MAX_JUMPS then -- If we have exceeded the limit
		humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false) -- Disable jumping
		task.wait(JUMP_COOLDOWN) -- Wait until cooldown finishes
		jumps = 0 -- Reset counter
		humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true) -- Enabled jumping
	elseif isJumping then -- We are jumping
		jumps += 1 -- Add to count
		if jumpRestoreThread then task.cancel(jumpRestoreThread) end -- Cancel the jump restore
		jumpRestoreThread = task.spawn(jumpRestore) -- Start restore function

Thank you man :slight_smile: I’ve been getting into scripting recently and I will now review this code over and over and keep expanding to my knowledge. And for anyone else reading here’s a nice jump cooldown code!

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