Hello, I’m trying to make a steep steps ladder placement system for my game. I have currently created a part that is welded players torso but I need help with the collision system
My problem is that the part does not move based on it’s surroundings like in steep steps, instead it just clips through its surroundings and I don’t know how to fix it
Thanks, Alek
You should instead have an attachment attached to the torso, then use an AlignPosition and AlignOrientation constraint to have the ladder track that attachment. That way it will collide normally, this has the advantage of also not being able to fling the player, if you leave ReactionForce off.
Raycasting is how the ladder prevents itself from clipping into walls. Raycasting Guide
You can raycast with torso.Position as its origin and Torso.CFrame.LookVector*distance as its directio and set the attachment’s WorldPosition to raycast.Position if it hit anything. And combining that with @azqjanna 's comment you should get the result your looking for.