I am trying to make a GUI that appears when the player gets a leaderstat value of 100. It doesn’t work and I’m not sure why. could I please have some help?
LevelNeeded = 100
local stats = Instance.new("IntValue", p)
stats.Name = "leaderstats"
local money = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
money.Name = "Money"
local PlayerGui = p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
if money.Value >= LevelNeeded then
PlayerGui.Menu.Enabled = true
Thank you for your help
PROBLEM - I’m trying to make a zombie game and I’m trying to figure out how to make it where every time you kill a zombie it will show you how many you and your team killed but none of my scripts will work.
PROBLEM - I’m trying to make a zombie game and I’m trying to figure out how to make it where every time you kill a zombie it will show you how many you and your team killed but none of my scripts will work.