Help with lighting

So basically. Me and a friend are making an obby. We have a big room that needs to be lighted up.

The issue in hand is that weve got no idea how we could possibly light up this room even more. Weve tried changing the settings in the lighting section which kinda worked but looked really bad so we jsut decided to scrap that for now.

We also tried scattering around some invis lights around the room. But that didnt work either since point lights max range is 60.

We also tried using fog to light up the room which kinda worked. But we want to make sure if theres a better way of lighting up the room before we decide to use fog as our option.

Here are two pictures of the room.

The room were trying to light up:

Same room but with fog enabled:

Like i mentioned above already. Weve tried changing the settings in the lighting which didnt work.

Weve also tried searching for anything that could be related to our question but found nothing.

If anybody is any good with lighting and could maybe give some help thatd be very appreciated like a ton :slightly_smiling_face:


game.Lightning.Brightness = 4
Should the whole obby be lighted or?

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Have you tried surface lights? The range might not be any better but the distribution would be more even?

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Your best bet would be to just change the ambient color to a brighter color. Either that or make ExposureCompensation higher however this might make every other area in it overly bright

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Sorry for the late reply. We fixed it by just using some coding to change the time of day to morning when the player entered that room.

Thanks for all the help though (:slightly_smiling_face:

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I have also created “invisible” lights that are placed in the center, these match the same color etc, but no fire glow or anything like that. So literally they just create an area of light, place a few around and in a room that only has torches on walls far from center, it appears to light the whole room adequately.

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