You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
Okay so I am trying to load data which is a descendant of folder
player>Folder>AnotherFolder>The Value I want to load back -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I somehow can’t reach them
This is the Error I am getting
attempt to call missing method ‘GetChildren’ of string
but it must be a folder not a string? right?
if success then
if returnValue then --If player has any saved value
-- Iterate datastore table and populate stuff in player
for k, d in pairs(returnValue) do
if k == "RewardsTable" then
Players_Rewards[player.UserId] = d
if type(d) == "table" then
for n, v in pairs(d) do
if player[k][n]:IsA("Folder") then -- Is a Folder
print(k) -- Returns String -- Name Of the Folder
print(n) -- Returns String
print(k:GetChildren()) --attempt to call missing method 'GetChildren' of string error
else -- is a Value
player[k][n].Value = v
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
Those are the values I am trying to reach they all are bool values
This is the Saving part it works it saves all of values but I can’t load it back
local function save(player)
local userID = player.UserId
local key = "Player_"..userID
--Yeni Currency A1
local equippedTool = player.Inventory.EquippedTool.Value
local ownedFirstTable = {}
for _, tool in ipairs(player.Inventory.First:GetChildren()) do
ownedSecondTable[tool.Name] = tool.Value
local ownedGamePassesTable = {}
for i,v in ipairs(player.Inventory.Third:GetChildren()) do
ownedThirdTable[v.Name] = v.Value
local NameOfTotals= player.Inventory.NameOfTotals.Value
local ownedThirdsTable = {}
for _, rank in ipairs(player.Inventory.OwnedThird:GetChildren()) do
ownedSecondsTable[rank.Name] = Third.Value
local equippedStuff = player.Inventory.EquippedStuff.Value
local ownedFirstsTable = {}
for _, First in ipairs(player.Inventory.Firs:GetChildren()) do
ownedFirstTable[First.Name] = First.Value
local CurrentTimestamp = os.time()
local dataTable = {
["third"] = {
Veloka= veloka,
Time= time,
["Inventory"] = {
EquippedTool = equippedTool,
OwnedTools= ownedSecondTable,
NameOfTotals= NameOfTotals,
Third= ownedThirdTable,
EquippedStuff = equippedStuff,
First= ownedFirstThingsTable,
Second= ownedSecondThingsTable,
["Values"] = {
Tankil= tankil,
Wenkol= Wenkol,
["RewardsTable"] = Players_Rewards[player.UserId]