Help with local event

I don’t know much about Local Script and Remove Event, and I need help to make a script work only for the player who touched a brick.

local Brick = script.Parent

    Brick.CanCollide = false
    Brick.Transparency = 1

How can I make the transparency and collision of the brick be affected only for the player who touches it?

I’ve done this before but with a button that opens a door for only the person who opens it. I used a normal script for when the player touches the button which fires a RemoteEvent to a local script so the event only appears on a certain player’s screen.

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since its happening only to the client you might aswell just make it happen all on the client since the touched event still works on the client, and if a player is laggy if its all on the client it will run smoothly since it doesnt have to send anything from the server to the client


check if the hit variable is an instance belonging to the host player

the way i usually do it is with :GetPlayerFromCharacter(), probably not the best way, use whatever works for you

local Brick = script.Parent

    if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) == game.Players.LocalPlayer then -- added this line
        Brick.CanCollide = false
        Brick.Transparency = 1
    end -- added this line

(if hit is the the limb of a character, its parent would be the character of the host player)
((this would be in a localscript btw, or a script with RunContext set to the client))