Hello, i’m currently making a game called “Rails”, and like in Doors, i want to make a play again voting system. If you don’t know what i’m talking about, let me explain:
In Doors, if all the players have died, this little UI appears:
If there’s enough votes for play again, obviously, the game will restart. But if only some people vote, only the people that voted, will be teleported. And same thing if one of the player leaves, can anyone help me?
You can’t use scripting support to ask for entire systems to be made for you, is there a specific part you’re confused on? Have you started making this system but are stuck at a certain point?
Well, actually, you are right… i need to stop making this… But anyways, this is what i’m trying to do, but i already make the ui, i just idk where to start or something. Thx for replying with that.
I’m going to assume you have enough experience to do things like putting the gui on the player’s screen, setting up gui buttons etc.
The server could have a table of players who are voting to play again
When a player clicks “play again” they fire a remote event that tells the server they want to play again
When the server receives this the player will be put into the table if they aren’t already in it. (You can also tell all the players to add this player’s icon onto the gui if you want.)
After a set amount of time, the server will teleport all the users in the table using TeleportAsync
All players who aren’t in the table are teleported back to the lobby using the same function
Make sure you handle potential errors of teleport async such as but not limited to the list of players being empty.