Help with making a proximity prompt only activate when holding a tool

I’m struggling to find a way to make it so a proximity prompt will only follow through with a script when the player is holding a tool. Actually my question right now is quite trivial.
The issue is more of a question: why does it always only print outcome 2?

Here is the code:

local SpecificTools = {

local character = player.Character

if character:FindFirstChildOfClass(“Tool”) then – Checks if a player has a tool equipped.
if table.find(SpecificTools, character:FindFirstChildOfClass(“Tool”).Name) then
print(“outcome 1”)
print(“outcome 2”)
print(“Not holding a weapon”)

When removing the else print(“outcome2”), it doesn’t print anything when holding the tool. Would the best course of action be to just keep the script as is, and make outcome 2 the outcome which occurs? The idea was to have the player kill an NPC when the player is holding a weapon and activates a proximity prompt in the NPC. In my vision, outcome 1 would be the outcome in which the player kills the NPC and outcome 2 would just be an else statement in case the player was not holding a weapon and the NPC would not be killed. But it seems that outcome 1 never happens, and there is another else which does work: print(“Not holding a weapon”). So would I just keep the script as is, and instead of having the NPC be killed in outcome 1, it would be killed in outcome 2?

local Tool = script.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = WhereverThisIs:WaitForChild("ProximityPrompt")

local function Equip()
    ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true

local function Unequip()
    ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false


I think you need something like this (added prints to debug):

local SpecificTools = {

    print("Triggered event received.")
    local character = player.Character

    if character then
        print("Character found.")
        local tool = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool")
        if tool then -- Checks if a player has a tool equipped.
            print("Tool found: " .. tool.Name)
            if table.find(SpecificTools, tool.Name) then
                print("Outcome 1: Player has the specified tool.")
                print("Outcome 2: Player does not have the specified tool.")
            print("No tool found.")
            print("Not holding a weapon")
        print("No character found.")
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This one should work so mark the one I’m replying to

Well both work, and I can’t really mark both of them. I will use both of them however. I will just mark the one that is most similar to my original idea.

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