Help with Making Advanced Planetary Orbit Module

Hello All!
Today and Yesterday I am trying to make my Planetary Orbit Module far more advanced but I have came across an issue. In my module right now I have two functions the circular orbit function and the eccentricty orbit function. Eccentricty works well but the circular not so much. In the circular the planet orbiting goes through a really bumby orbit.Sometimes the planet that I want to move goes off course somewhere else.It is supposed to be a perfect circle.

How I want it to act : How I want it to act
What’s happening now : Whats happening right now

Current Code

--Code Made By Tomroblox54321 and IlyasTawawe
--Eccentricty Code made tweaked by Creeperman16487
--All gave permission to use code in the module
--Hope you Enjoy!

local OrbitModule = {}

--Getting RunService
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

--Getting Our Math Variables
local CosineMath = math.cos
local SineMath = math.sin
local Atan2Math = math.atan2

local PIMath = math.pi
local TAU = 2*PIMath

--Creating the Circular Orbit Function
function OrbitModule:CircularOrbit(PlanetOrbiting : PVInstance, PlanetGettingOrbited : PVInstance, TimeToOrbit : number, NormalOffset : number)
	assert(PlanetOrbiting ~= PlanetGettingOrbited, "Cannot orbit itself, PlanetOrbiting and PlanetGettingOrbited should be different")

	--Getting Our Difference, Radius and Angle
	local DifferenceVector = PlanetOrbiting:GetPivot().Position-PlanetGettingOrbited:GetPivot().Position --Differnce
	local Radius = DifferenceVector.Magnitude
	local Angle = Atan2Math(DifferenceVector.Y, DifferenceVector.X)--Angle
	--Creating the HeartbeatCobnection
	local HeartbeatConnection
	HeartbeatConnection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DeltaTime)
		-- Disconnect the event if one of the planets got destroyed
		if not (PlanetOrbiting or PlanetGettingOrbited) then
			HeartbeatConnection = nil
			assert("Orbit Disconnected")

		-- Polar coordinates 2D
		local x = Radius*CosineMath(Angle)
		local y = Radius*SineMath(Angle)
		local z = NormalOffset and NormalOffset(Angle, x, y) or 0
		--Putting it all together
		PlanetOrbiting:PivotTo(PlanetGettingOrbited.CFrame*, y, z))
		Angle += DeltaTime*TAU/TimeToOrbit
	-- Return the heartbeat connection, so we can disconnect it if we no longer wants the part to orbit
	return HeartbeatConnection

function OrbitModule:EccentricityOrbit(PlanetOrbiting : PVInstance, PlanetGettingOrbited : PVInstance, TimeToOrbit : number, Eccentricity : number)
	assert(PlanetOrbiting ~= PlanetGettingOrbited, "Cannot orbit itself, PlanetOrbiting and PlanetGettingOrbited should be different")
	--Getting Our Difference, Radius and Angle
	local DifferenceVector = PlanetOrbiting:GetPivot().Position-PlanetGettingOrbited:GetPivot().Position --Differnce
	local Radius = DifferenceVector.Magnitude
	local Angle = Atan2Math(DifferenceVector.Y, DifferenceVector.X)--Angle
	--Creating HeartbeatConnection
	local HeartbeatConnection
	HeartbeatConnection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DeltaTime)
		-- Disconnect the event if one of the planets got destroyed
		if not (PlanetOrbiting or PlanetGettingOrbited) then
			HeartbeatConnection = nil
			assert("Orbit Disconnected")

		-- Polar coordinates 2D
		local x = (Radius+Eccentricity/2)*CosineMath(Angle)
		local y = Radius*SineMath(Angle)
		local z = 0
		local Offset =,0,0)
		PlanetOrbiting:PivotTo((PlanetGettingOrbited.CFrame*Offset)*, y, z))
		Angle += DeltaTime*TAU/TimeToOrbit

	-- Return the heartbeat connection, so we can disconnect it if we no longer wants the part to orbit
	return HeartbeatConnection


--Returning the whole module
return OrbitModule

Thanks for any help!

I don’t see anything wrong with that?

I guess the bumpiness isn’t so bad. It’s more the moon veering way off course. Thanks

Not sure but maybe the moon in the video is being welded/attached to the planet, not sure but it would be the easiest solution I can think of. :thinking:

That could be the best but normally it works perfectly. But when I added multiple functions into the module it’s not as good.

I think watching this video would help you:

Thanks for the video this might help!

Thanks everyone for helping. What I ended up doing was controlling each planet from a separate script.