Help with making equipable boost giving boots

Yep, then once it’s exported, you need to reimport


How much free space do you have on your computer

how do I check? Sometimes it tells me if its nearly full.

also I’m on Mac…So it will probably be different.

I’m not sure since I don’t use a Mac.

oh…gimme a sec I’m going to check…


its got a lot of space…

That is more than enough space, I’m not sure why the .obj file won’t export properly.

hm…Do you think you can make the mesh for me…You probably cant…

It is currently 1 am for me so maybe in a few hours and if you could dm me the boots so I can convert them that would make things easy for when I get the chance to do it

ok sure. How should I dm it? Should I just make a model of it?

Yep that should work just fine


I will send them to you in 6 or so hours depending on how much sleep I get

ok. Well good night. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heya! Glad you’ve showed interest in the way I attach models to players.

Parts and models behave differently, so you don’t quite have it down. What you want to do is ungroup your model into an accessory where one part is named Handle and the other parts get welded to it. Easiest way to handle welding is through WeldConstraints.

I took the liberty to make the larger bricks the handles of each accessory for this:

To quickly set up the welds in the boots, run this piece of code in your command bar with both of the boots selected (and only them, otherwise this may give you weird results):

for _, boot in ipairs(game:GetService("Selection"):Get()) do
	local handle = boot.Handle
	for _, part in ipairs(boot:GetChildren()) do
		if not part:IsA("BasePart") or part == handle then continue end
		local weldConstraint ="WeldConstraint")
		weldConstraint.Part0 = handle
		weldConstraint.Part1 = part
		weldConstraint.Parent = weldConstraint.Part1

		part.Anchored = false
		part.CanCollide = false

	handle.Anchored = false
	handle.CanCollide = false

Now because you want to attach these to the feet, we will need a matching set of named attachments in the character and the boots accessories. I’m not sure what rig type you’re using, so I’ve created a quick script for this. You will need put this in StarterCharacterScripts because we’re trying to create attachments on the character that don’t already exist. I called it CreateFeetAttachments.

local Character = script.Parent
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local RigType = Humanoid.RigType.Name

local LimbSuffix = {
	["R6"] = " Leg", -- The space is intentional, leave it in
	["R15"] = "Foot"

local function createFootAttachment(attachmentName, limbName)
	local limbPart = Character:WaitForChild(limbName, 5)
	if not limbPart then return end
	local attachment ="Attachment")
	attachment.Name = attachmentName
	attachment.Position =, (RigType == "R6" and -1 or -0.15), 0)
	attachment.Parent = limbPart

createFootAttachment("LeftFootAttachment", ("Left%s"):format(LimbSuffix[RigType]))
createFootAttachment("RightFootAttachment", ("Right%s"):format(LimbSuffix[RigType]))

This will create LeftFootAttachment and RightFootAttachment respectively and position them right at the bottom of a player’s feet, adjusting accordingly based on whether you’re using an R6 or R15 rig.

Next is to also create LeftFootAttachment and RightFootAttachments in the handle of your boots accessories. These will be used as alignment points when the boots are added to the character. The rotation of the accessories matters, keep that in mind!

And like that, you’re done. All that’s left is to parent (a clone) the boots to the character and they will be wearing them. If the positioning is not to your liking, update the position of the attachments in the boots, not the character. The inverse applies: moving the attachment higher will make the boots be worn lower and vice versa (lower attachment, higher worn).

If you’d like my test environment as well as a finished copy of the demo I walked you through here, the place file is available below. A bit of a comment, but, I notice the boots are pretty big for R15 rigs. Might want to be conscious about limb sizing while making these. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wear Boots Complete Repro.rbxl (34.1 KB)



thanks for these! But I don’t want them to be equipped on spawn. Is it fine if you can tweak it so its only equitable on click detector? Also is there a way to move the boots up? If so can you?


also do you think you can change the foot attachment to the bottom of the boot? So it will touch the baseplate instead of going inside? Sorry for asking you a lot and I know I should be doing this myself. I really want to learn how but I don’t have much time to finish my game! Maybe some other day I can look more into this!

This is only meant to be a repro file to accompany my explanation demonstrating how to appropriately use accessories to attach things to characters. Please use the explanation to help you figure out the rest of the kinks here and how you can integrate it with your own systems!

The boots being equipped on spawn is to demonstrate how they will attach themselves to players. It’s up to you to use the explanation you’ve been given to make your own systems where the boots can be equipped or to make the modifications you’re looking for. I’ve also explained how to reposition the boots. See the Developer Hub for some API reference and to do some research.

The Scripting Support category isn’t for getting others to write systems for you. The reason I did the conversion work already is to augment my explanation of how to get this to work. Doing the rest is up to you on your own time, not me. Thank you!