Help with making loading system from ID

Hello Developers!

I need help making a system on loading groups. I’m making something where players can make groups but I need to know how to load them. I have the data store (Not using players ID to save) but I don’t know how to load something off the ID of the group.

So I’m using a For Loop to load value but how do I make something load off the value aka the ID. I’m looking for ideas

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What do you want exactly? What you’re describing is confusing.

Okay, so I want to load a group from a ID that I created but I don’t know how to load from a ID that I created.

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By group are you referring to the Roblox groups or your own group system?

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My own groups system. I’m trying to make groups players can joined created by other players


Add my discord, I don’t really want to spam here because I’ve got a few questions and I’d like to help you out because I’m bored.


Save a dictionary as a single key, then the key is the group name, and value is id.


You’d have to store stuff like Group Owner, Group Members, DateCreated, UniqueId if needed, and other data. Then you would have to store the group name or id in the player’s datastore to specify which group they are currently in

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Just wanted to add on, I would actually save the key as a string of the id, and then key could be a table of metadata.


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