Hello!, I decided to post this on this category since I thought It would be adequate since unlike scripting support I am not trying to fix an issue I am trying to ask for info on what method would make my module faster
So I am working on a fighting game and since I will have many weapons that are handled the same but with different stats or modeels or animations I decided to simply make the weapons all utilize a module script to get their functions from, This way every time I do a change on how the combat engine works I dont have to modify every tool’s/weapon script and just the module script itself.
Now this module obviously needs some things to be passed through arguments Player, Animations, AnimationTracks so while only these 3 are needed heres the question
Since I need the module to get some remote events, Values, And player objects like character, Animator, etc. and others. Is it faster to just pass the module script these objects and values directly or write so the module can get these values from the player?