Help with making very large smooth terrain map

  1. I want to use roblox smooth terrain to make a massive map for use in an open world FPS game

  2. I can generate the map size I want just fine, but I can’t seem to load into a server for testing it. I get an infinite “waiting for available server” message

  3. I’ve tried enabling streaming. I generated the terrain using the height map feature, and there is currently no terrain water.

The map is 32,000 studs by 32,000 studs and is 1000 studs at the tallest

  1. Noted.

  2. That’s an ungodly size. The maximum for terrain generation and for sea level is 16384x16384, and you have almost double that number. I would consider making it much smaller. It’s probably taking forever to load because it’s way to much terrain.You could try to use a custom LOD, although I am not sure how you would.

  3. If you wanted terrain water, you should of used a Colormap. Colormaps allow you to make certain areas certain materials. It should also be mentioned that the lowest, darkest, blackest color will be just air (something that I wished didn’t happen.)

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I mean, you can always force your own LOD system on the terrain though as said above, an ungodly size makes it near impossible to load.

As @Macawmangrovve12 said above, 32,000 studs is far too large. Consider working within the boundaries of the (rather high) generation limits.

An effective game map, even for an open world, is one that is densely packed with things to see and activities to do. A common complaint for Ubisoft games, for example, is that their maps are huge but barren. There should ideally be enough going on in the world that your players wouldn’t wish to use fast travel.

That being said, Roblox servers have their limitations and you don’t have much choice.

You might consider looking at this tutorial I wrote, in which I walk through the process of generating terrain using Quadspinner and importing it into Studio. I include a script that automatically paints materials based on elevation and slope (which you are free to edit as you wish).
The tutorial can be found here: Large-Scale Roblox Terrain: The ultimate guide

Just remember to work within reasonable limits. A map size of 10k-16k should be plenty.


I excluded terrain water in order to increase the possibility that the terrain would load. it didn’t help.

I made the map at a smaller scale and used terrain water and it loaded fine, but the terrain water was glitching out with LODs. thats a different discussion though. I just want to know why I can edit the place in studio just fine, but when I try to publish the game and play it i get an infinite loading screen.

It is most likely because the roblox server isnt able to handle that much terrain generation especially in that size. I would bump it down by a quarter of what it is now though If it still doesnt load at all, then there could be a different problem happening.