Help with manipulating character Motor6Ds to create a viewmodel

I have currently made my own sort of viewmodel by manipulating the Motor6Ds in the character, however, this causes problems as you can see and with tools (such as my SSG) which are rigged to the torso it causes problems trying to get that in sync with the rest.

I paid for someone to make a viewmodel that works with tools and such, and it basically creates a model in the camera with fake arms and clones the tool etc. The problem with this is that although it looks nice, melee weapons hitboxes are still from your actual tools, gun effects and shoot positions etc are still from the actual tool.

Is there a way I can reuse this custom viewmodel but making it so it only manipulates the character rather than creating a separate model in the camera? I would have to somehow attach it to the camera because as you can see from the gifs when I rotate the C0 it looks very strange in first person.

Edit: What it looks like in 3rd person (which I am happy with):

If this is achievable, but will be difficult I am willing to hire someone to do it for R$.


What I would do is create another model which looks the same as your 3rd person model and add a Root part to it. Weld everything to that Root part and set its CFrame each frame to be the same as of the Camera. Make the viewmodel transparent in 3rd person mode and the 3rd person arms+tool transparent in 1st person.

When you say create another model, what do you mean exactly? Does this mean cloning the tool and such? Because if so that is not what I am after.

Secondly how would I “weld everything”? If you are saying replacing the Motor6Ds, depending on what you mean I don’t know if I would able to do that as it could cause problems with other things.

Can you provide more detail on your response?

Yeah, sorry. Viewmodels are not the same as your 3rd person model. It is very hard to perfectly track arm positions without the use of IK or just having an awkward offset at the shoulders, so a separate object called a viewmodel is used.

That model is only visible on the client and is composed of the arms and whatever they are holding and is always kept at the same offset from the camera. I’m basically saying that whatever you are trying to achieve will look very unnatural if done with tweens alone.

Apocalypse Rising 2 has nearly perfect arm animations that don’t use a viewmodel, but I think they are based on IK given the smooth joint movements.

Here’s an example of what happens when you make TF2 use the world model instead of the viewmodel (skip to 1:05):
The rocket launcher stops following at certain angles and you can notice the same issue as with your implementation.

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I decided to use my viewmodel script and to edit scripts in the game to work with it.