Help With Marketing My Game

Hello all,

I’m finishing Ticket Titans, a solo project I’ve been working on for quite some time now, but I’m struggling with how to kickstart its player-driven economy. The game relies on players buying tickets from each other, but with no initial player base, that’s a challenge. I have a 50-100k Robux budget for marketing but worry sponsored ads won’t attract the right players.

Any ideas on how to get a strong launch?

also please tell me if this is the wrong category

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Also, give players a small starting balance and/or some way to quickly boost their tickets at the start (even if it’s only temporary while you launch the game/start to get a playerbase) - Assume players will need to find ways to get tickets without others for a while.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ll have tests to find what looks like an appropriate starting balance etc, ofc I’m adding solo games so people can earn tickets without playing multiplayer