Help with Mass Replaceing in studio

I have a lot of prints in my game that are just spaming console i would like to get rid of them all using the replace system however they all say different things And I dont want them to error, Does anyone know how to do this?

There are a lot!

2500 print statements??? How do you have that many??? Perhaps the most I’ve seen??

Anyway, you can quickly remove all of the print statements using the Find / Replace All feature by which you can find in the Script Menu and expanding the drop-down menu on the “FInd” button in the menu or alternatively press Ctrl + Shift + F (if on Windows)

You will want to turn regular expressions on and in the textbox to search for text, enter print(.+). What this does is find all print statements including any variants used in the function when regular expressions are on


All you need to do is press the “Replace All” button with nothing written in the “Replace” textbox and it will remove all print statements

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