Help with material changing

Can you show me what you did to get that result?

Yes, i’m just writing up a tutorial right now because this is like 3 lines of code and apparently nobody knows how to do it lol

Is this run on the client, if so check it on the server.

Is this using Stepped to continuously set the Material to neon, if so this eats up performance.


I don’t imagine it would, the problem isn’t that the material isn’t changing to neon, but rather the texture isn’t being applied.

The problem is that the Roblox engine continuously sets Heads materials back to Plastic without changing the property.

Will the tutorial be posted in #resources:community-resources or #resources:community-tutorials?

Oh I was just going to post it here but I can do it there too

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Oh, ok, it’s fine to post it here, just wondering because it was taking a little while. :sweat_smile:

I don’t mean to be pushy, but it’s been an hour and I thought you said it was a 3 line script. :confused:

Yeah mb, I was trying to add clothing for the full body material effect change. Couldn’t figure it out, but might try it again a bit later.

Alright, life saver man, thanks!

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Also when I said its like 3 lines, I meant 5 and only if you do it on the client like this:

local fakeHead = ReplicatedStorage.fakeHead:Clone()
fakeHead.Parent = character.Head
fakeHead.CFrame = character.Head.CFrame
character.Head.Transparency = 1
fakeHead.WeldConstraint.Part1 = character.Head

I have an already made head with a WeldConstraint that has the part0 set to the head stored in RS, that I clone and then just attach it to the local players head. Only downside is that it doesn’t replicate.


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Make sure you edit the face decal to be the player’s face.

Tutorial accounted for that

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