I am trying to create a “fake sky” effect, where I have a reflective wall that looks like the skybox because of how roblox reflections work, but I want a thin grid-like pattern to be visible when players get close to the wall, to make it look like a bunch of pixels forming a fake sky, but I can’t seem to achieve this effect with material variants due to them seemingly not using the reflectance property at all? Please help!!
Make a second object very slightly bigger than it. Then tweak the reflectance of it. And turn down the the opacity.
How does this achieve my desired effect? Doesn’t this just make a somewhat transparent reflective layer over the object?
hmmm maybe do it the other way around? If you can make a graph without the grey and make it semi transparent. It could achieve your desired material. But other than that I really dont know.
Oh yeah, that might be it! Thanks actually I’ll try that.
Ok so, what I ended up doing was putting 6 Texture objects on the part, setting the part as Reflectance 1, and having the grid lines be just the black and nothing inbetween the grid lines like Vonick said. If you are seeing this and have a problem that REQUIRES you to have a reflective material variant (such as needing a reflective material variant with a normal map that distorts the reflection) then this solution will not help, but if you need a simple overlay like I do, then this solution is for you.
Im so glad it worked for you
Thank you for that suggestion as well, I haven’t used studio in ages because I’ve been doing off-ROBLOX programming junk and just recently decided to get back on ROBLOX to take a break, so I was too rusty to consider something like a texture overlay, thanks tons.
Did you try deleting the Metalness/Roughness map?
I tried deleting all maps, it’s been a while since I posted this and I think next time I will use metal as the base material, maybe it’ll have reflections.
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