Help With Mech Bugging out

i have a problem with a mech i am working on and i am not sure if i should say this here but, ive rigged it with motor6d’s (tried welds too) but whenever i attach the player’s root part together with a part from the mech it begins colidding each other, tried using physics service and disabling the player’s colission on their character’s parts yet it still does it, the mech is rigged to a dummy so itd be easier to animate and to code its control shit (they collide so the mech starts bugging out, like it enters falling state n junk)

Try using CollisionGroups.

Make a new CollisionGroup, for the NPCs and Players’ Characters, assign all the NPC parts to it, and make a script that assigns every Player’s Character to it too. Configure the group so that its parts don’t collide with each other. The link I attached has it explained in photos.

If you need help writing the script for Players let me know, I’ll get it done for you.

what if i told you that i tried

Hmmm… have you tried doing these (if you have, my apologies, the code was a little hard to read because of the quality of the video):

-When the player isn’t controlling the robot, they’re both assigned to their own respective collision groups (that allows parts to collide with themselves). Once the player takes control of the robot, they are both assigned to a new third collision group, that prohibits its parts to collide with each other.

-If you’ve already tried this, try deleting the Collision Group and make the same one again, I had the same exact issue just a day ago with item models colliding with players, (even though they were in the same collision group that prohibits them from colliding). Deleting it and making it again fixed it.

-In case this doesn’t work, maybe you’re not assigning the parts to the collision group properly? Use GetDescendants() for the Robot model and the Player model and check if it’s a BasePart, and if it is, assign the third Collision group to it.

Whats the humanoid hipheight

i fixed it, it was a issue related to mass somehow but before (months ago) itd not bug out over mass, which is weird.