I’m making a gore engine for my game (nothing too intense) but im trying to weld using motor6d one of the gore peices to the left leg and it keeps deleting (i connect them together on death) I have everything aligned like the C0, C1, Part0 and Part1 but I need help I can provide as much information as I can if you need it.
Try using Weld to weld
Your Motor6D breaks probably because of Humanoid having enabled property called BreakJointsOnDeath. I’m not sure!
local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")
--Every player:
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if Humanoid.Health <=0 then
--If player died.
local Weld = Instance.new("Weld", Character)
local GorePart = game:GetService("ServerStorage").GorePart
GorePart.Parent = Character
GorePart.Position = Character["Left Leg"].Position
Weld.Part0 = GorePart
Weld.Part1 = Character["Left Leg"]
--That will be welded.
thanks im going to try it i appreciate the help
didnt work do you have any other suggestions for me?
What do you mean didn’t work, any error in output? It should work, by the way what rig do you use in your game R6 or R15?
Also I just forgot one line… I updated the code try again
which line was it sorry i have to add this sentence because 30 characters minimum
30 characters
it did not work I can provide the script if you’d like
wait i have an idea maybe it has something to do with breakjoints when a player dies
it was breakjoints but thank you for your help I appreciate it!
i wrote in reply that breakjoints may be the problem