Help with Motor6D Manipulation again

Hi again,
I still don’t understand why it isn’t working, I really wish Roblox has an idle feature so it can be fixed easily.
The server script as mentioned before on my progression topic is empty and will be used to create a folder for the player, create a remote that plays the animation for everybody else (not changing everybody’s animations, just a show-off)

I only need some examples on how I could approach this problem


local pose = "Standing"


local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer or game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Wait()
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local charParts = {
	--Head = char:FindFirstChild("Head"),
	Torso = char:FindFirstChild("Torso"),
	--Arms = {
	--	LeftArm = char:FindFirstChild("LeftArm"),
	--	RightArm = char:FindFirstChild("RightArm")
	--Legs = {
	--	LeftLeg = char:FindFirstChild("LeftLeg"),
	--	RightLeg = char:FindFirstChild("RightLeg")
	HRP = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local Motor6DS = {
	RootJoint = charParts.HRP:FindFirstChild("RootJoint"),
	Neck = charParts.Torso:FindFirstChild("Neck"),
	Shoulders = {
		LeftShoulder = charParts.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"),
		RightShoulder = charParts.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
	Hips = {
		LeftHip = charParts.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"),
		RightHip = charParts.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")

-- States --
function onRunning(speed)
	if speed > 0 then
		pose = "Running"
	elseif speed == 0 then
		pose = "Standing"

-- Function --
local function StateProvider()
	local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	-- if it's considered a hack, then i've probably cheated the game a little bit.
	-- the idea came from printing the state by using magnitude (1 = walk, 0 = idle).
	while true do
		local mag = math.round(hum.MoveDirection.Magnitude)

		if mag > 0 then
			onRunning(1) -- Running
			onRunning(0) -- Idle

-- Animations --
local function Move()
	local rad = 0.75
	local t = 8 * 1.25
	local degree = 0
	local degree2 = 0

	local function AnimRun()
		degree += 1
		degree2 -= 1

		local rZ = math.sin(math.rad(degree) * t) * rad
		local rZ2 = math.sin(math.rad(degree2) * t) * rad
		local rZ3 = math.sin(math.rad(degree) * t) * rad / 6
		local rZ4 = math.sin(math.rad(degree2) * t) * rad / 6

		local rX = math.sin(math.rad(degree2) * (t * 2)) * rad / 12

		local cframe = CFrame.Angles(0,0,rZ)
		local cframe2 = CFrame.Angles(0,0,rZ2)
		local cframe3 = CFrame.Angles(0,0,rZ3)
		local cframe4 = CFrame.Angles(rX,0,rZ4)

		Motor6DS.Shoulders.LeftShoulder.Transform = cframe2
		Motor6DS.Shoulders.RightShoulder.Transform = cframe2
		Motor6DS.Hips.LeftHip.Transform = cframe
		Motor6DS.Hips.RightHip.Transform = cframe
		Motor6DS.RootJoint.Transform = cframe3
		Motor6DS.Neck.Transform = cframe4
	local runStepped = RunService.Stepped:Connect(AnimRun)

	if pose == "Running" then
		runStepped.Connected = true
	elseif pose == "Standing" then
		runStepped.Connected = false

		Motor6DS.Shoulders.LeftShoulder.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
		Motor6DS.Shoulders.RightShoulder.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
		Motor6DS.Hips.LeftHip.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
		Motor6DS.Hips.RightHip.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
		Motor6DS.RootJoint.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
		Motor6DS.Neck.Transform = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)


while char.Parent~=nil do

Yes, some parts are taken from the old Roblox animation system (which also uses Motor6D Manipulation).

finally, i can post my code without most being normal text

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