Help with my air combat system and knockback system

I used Body Position for my Air Combat and when proceeding to perform the air combo there seems to be a latency issue or delay between the body position.

This video demonstrates the problem I have. I’m trying to find out a way to reduce this delay of the players getting sent to the air. Here’s a few things to know before suggesting a solution.

  1. On Each player screen, no matter who performs the attack to send them up first, the player on their screen will always be sent first. This most likely means it’s a latency issue, here is what I mean;

  2. There is no wait function between the instances of the body position and they both instance in at the same time and destroy at the same time.

  3. When the air combat is performed on a NPC it work perfectly and moves smooth demonstrating that this is a clear latency problem, here’s a video;

  4. The same problem occurs for body velocity too.

I am not willing to change to AlignPosition or AlignOrientation unless it’s proven to fix these latency problem which I’m confident it doesn’t. I’ve tired to use SetNetworkOwner() to fix these issue and it does work, however, it would be too buggy to use for combat so unless someone could show a suitable way to use it, it wouldn’t be a good suggestion. Here is how I used it;

		for _,v in pairs(EnemyCharacter:GetChildren()) do
										if v:IsA("Part") then
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If the first player is the first one to get a body position instance then itll always be the first person to move up.

Second, you could weld both players and then body position the first player upwards then break the weld, just an idea
Take a look at this:

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Interesting idea, I’ll try it.