Help with my Dialogue System

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    When I run my Dialogue System, it runs perfectly fine. However, when I pick the same Dialogue after talking once to the NPC, it abruptly ends.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

The first time talking to the NPC

The second time talking to the NPC

The Dialogue ends even though it’s meant to go to the next part of the Dialogue.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I don’t think there are any questions that are closely related to mine, but I have spent 20 minutes figuring out what was wrong. As you can see, I ran out of ideas.
-- Module Script
local module = {}

module.Nyarlathotep = {
	[1] = {
		Type = "Question",
		Text = "What's up",
		Responses = {
			[1] = {"Nothin' much", EndConvo = true},
			[2] = {"Good, how about you?", 2}
	[2] = {
		Type = "Question",
		Text = "Nothin' much",
		Responses = {
			[1] = {"Is that so?", EndConvo = true},
			[2] = {"Bye!", EndConvo = true}

return module

-- Local Script
local function TalkTo(NPC)
	local num = 1
	while inConvo do
		print("Dialogue Number: "..num)
		local v = DialogueData[NPC][num]
		TextFX.typewrite(Dialogue, v.Text)
		if v.Type == 'Dialogue' then
			num = num + 1
			if Response1.Text ~= " " then
				Response1.Text = " "
				Response2.Text = " "
		elseif v.Type == 'Farewell' then
			inConvo = false
			Response1.Text = v.Responses[1][1]
			Response2.Text = v.Responses[2][1]
				if v.Responses[1].EndConvo == true then
					inConvo = false
					print('continue the dialogue')
					Continue = true
					num = v.Responses[1][2]
				if v.Responses[2].EndConvo == true then
					inConvo = false
					print('continue the dialogue')
					Continue = true
					num = v.Responses[2][2]
		repeat wait() until Continue
		Continue = false

The reason why i’ve added print('continue the dialogue') is because to check if the 2nd argument for v.Responses[x][2] was selected as a number. Not as v.Responses[x].EndConvo. It’s seen in the if statement above.

As you can see in the output, `print(‘continue the dialogue’) is being printed (many times even! which makes no sense if we’re only calling the event once!) yet the dialogue ends. Which is what I need your help with. I have no clue how to fix this at all.

Note: It also prints continue the dialogue even if the dialogue is meant to end. Which makes no sense to me at all!

If you have any questions to ask to further help you find a solution for my problem, ask right away. If you do not understand this thread, please also ask right away.

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Well skimming through the code I see the events being connected but I don’t see how they are being disconnected perhaps the issue is due to these unconnected events so make sure to handle them by disconnecting them after they are done with?

Yep I believe here is more evidence:

Yeah the event is not only happening once it keeps happening because it’s in a while true do loop so it’s stacks up every wait().

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I’m sorry for the late reply, I have given up on this project because I was discouraged by my lack of skill and knowledge in coding. Though I have come back and fixed the problem by using your solution! Thank you!

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