Hi devforum! So I have a loop, and whenever it picks 1, it changes a value to 1, and then after a bit of time, it goes back to 0. But when it gets changed to 0 from another script, the loop does not repeat again. I’ve tried using a while loop and it didn’t work. Therefore the loop only executes on the server creation, and when it gets changed to 0 via script, it stops, Please help if possible! Thanks!
local val = game.ServerScriptService.Data.BloodMoon
if val.Value == 0 then
local seed = math.randomseed(tick())
local rng = math.random(1,5)
if rng == 1 then
val.Value = 1
until val.Value == 1
The repeat until loop is going to stop once val.Value == 1; that’s how a loop of that type works (it repeats until the condition is met).
Refactor the code into a while loop (below may not work 100%, writing off top of my head):
local rnd = Random.new()
while task.wait(0.5) do
if val.Value == 0 then
if rnd:NextInteger(1, 5) == 1 then
val.Value = 1
val.Value = 0
The loops stop completely after the condition is met. I suggest adding a val:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value") and initialising the loop based on the value changes.