Help with my particles/decal/textures ZIndex overlapping even when adjusted to avoid that

I think the title tells everything, I don’t know why my particles/decals/textures go invisible or ovelap themselves if I already adjusted their ZIndexes to avoit that (texture = 0, particles > 0). It basically happens on specific camera rotations, even If I’m the image is visible it goes invisible, maybe It’s a performing thing in the studio, to remove images on not visible areas which is understandable, BUT I’m still watching the images and they go invisible on those specific camera movements as I said (I don’t know If It’s a bug or is the studio’s way to boost performance, which would we a bit too much even considering I have max graphics…)

I really hope someone else solved this issue and can help me, I could try to not use a texture for the marble plates and do it with small cubes/parts + using a marble material (which should work)… but it will take time of course…

If u know a solution or know another post I’m all ears, or eyes since I have to read lol.
Anyways, thanks in advance for the help you

can give!


that is odd.

you said the star was a texture? have you tried making it something else like a texture id or a Decal?

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the star is the spawn decal, and yes i tried making them both textures or both decals with different zindex but my particles still work weird on them.

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well I guess you would just have to make it out of parts. Shouldn’t be too hard as its just two squares.