Help with my simple lighting

My problem is that I have a mountain made from cubical parts and I want all four sides to not have a shadow and look the same. On the side facing me it looks fine. But on the left and right sides there is a darker shadow (it appears darker on left and right sides compared to the front side). Shadows are off.

On the left it is dark and facing the front it is normal. These are my lighting settings:


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try clock time 12:00:00 given that means it would be 12’clock so the sun will be in the middle

Have you turned off the CastShadows property on the part?
If that still doesn’t work, try switching your lighting technology and see if it changes anything.

Doesn’t help because now all sides of the cube are dark and the top is brighter



GlobalShadows is off in Lighting so CashShadows does nothing and changing lighting technology doesnt help

CastShadows still does something regardless of GlobalShadows turned on.
Correct me if I’m wrong.

If you turn off shadows in your game via GlobalShadows then CashShadows property in a part does nothing

Is there a way to evenly distrubite sunlight to every side of the cube instead of having some sides darker than others