What do you want to achieve?
Successfully making an attack script that attacks the closest enemy inside a specific range -
What is the issue?
So I am making an attack script for towers ( like the ones in tower defense games ). It does give me the closest enemy from the tower ( I tested it with print and it does work ). However when it comes to attacking, it gets buggy and sometimes show "attempting to index nil with TakeDamage().
( the screenshots and descriptions are below I had to follow this template ) -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I already asked for help on sensing humanoid in a specific range and sensing it leaving a specific range ( I was told to make a table full of enemies inside the range, and check everytime before attacking if the enemy is still inside the range, and this is the part when it gets buggy )
here is the code that gets the closest enemy inside the specific range:
function findClosestEnemy()
for i, v in ipairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
if v then
local enemyHumanoid = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if enemyHumanoid then
if (enemyHumanoid.Position - towerHumanoidRoot.Position).Magnitude < radius.Value then
table.insert(enemiesInsideRadius, v)
local distance = (enemyHumanoid.Position - towerHumanoidRoot.Position).Magnitude
if distance < nearestDistance then
nearestDistance = distance
closest = v
return closest
( this part works perfectly )
here is the code where it attacks the enemy “closest”:
while true do
targetted = findClosestEnemy()
if targetted ~= nil then
for i, v in pairs(enemiesInsideRadius) do
if v == targetted then
print("Enemy left range")
print("Nothing is targetted")
( enemiesInsideRadius is the table full of enemies that are inside the specific radius )
Somehow, the tower works at first, attacking the closest enemy every 2 seconds. But once it starts to print “Enemy left range”, the tower bugs and stops attacking even though it keeps printing this:
Oh yes, and it also shows “Nothing is targetted” when I placed the tower and enemies are not spawned yet, so that part works.
I really need help as I am stuck here for like a week already… thanks.