Help with my tower defense game needed

i really gotta go, we will continu later

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yes ig also make sure that your mob have folder named Animations and make sure that you ave animation called Walk and that you have animator

folder or a configurations folder

doesnot matter will work with both

and Animator isnot a folder its an object called Animator

if you canot fix it can you send the script as preformatted text so i can edit it and send it to you again

My animator is inside the humanoid is that right?
and my walk animation is in the configurations folder
i made my own walk animations and i copied the ID and pasted it into “Walk”

in output it says line 3:

so that means something is wrong with:
local animationsFolder = object:WaitForChild(“Animations”)

local function animateMob(object)
local humanoid = object:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local animationsFolder = object:WaitForChild(“Animations”)

if humanoid and animationsFolder then
	local walkAnimation = animationsFolder:WaitForChild("Walk")
	if walkAnimation then
		local walkTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(walkAnimation)
		repeat task.wait() until walkTrack.Length > 0
	warn("No humanoid/animation folder for", object.Name)



i found the problem: in the output it says Workspace.Mobs.Normal Knight:WaitForChild("Animations)
but there is no child called Animations, the child is called animations and not Animations :sob::sob::sob:

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i am not that dumb i guess :sob::sob::sob:

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