i really gotta go, we will continu later
yes ig also make sure that your mob have folder named Animations and make sure that you ave animation called Walk and that you have animator
folder or a configurations folder
doesnot matter will work with both
and Animator isnot a folder its an object called Animator
if you canot fix it can you send the script as preformatted text so i can edit it and send it to you again
My animator is inside the humanoid is that right?
and my walk animation is in the configurations folder
i made my own walk animations and i copied the ID and pasted it into “Walk”
so that means something is wrong with:
local animationsFolder = object:WaitForChild(“Animations”)
local function animateMob(object)
local humanoid = object:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local animationsFolder = object:WaitForChild(“Animations”)
if humanoid and animationsFolder then
local walkAnimation = animationsFolder:WaitForChild("Walk")
if walkAnimation then
local walkTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(walkAnimation)
repeat task.wait() until walkTrack.Length > 0
warn("No humanoid/animation folder for", object.Name)
i found the problem: in the output it says Workspace.Mobs.Normal Knight:WaitForChild("Animations)
but there is no child called Animations, the child is called animations and not Animations
i am not that dumb i guess
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