Help With Network Owner / FastCast

Hey, so when I delete the weld of a moving object. It lags/jitters for a split second before falling down. I believe this is something to do with NetworkOwner. I’m fairly new to coding so all this is a bit complicated to me. Can someone give me/expain to me a script on which I can remove this lag?

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The solution to this would be setting the part’s network owner to the server the second it is unwelded, you would need to write a script which detects when a part is unwelded then set its network owner to server by doing this

part:SetNetworkOwner(nil) --nil = server

Setting it to the server also has the nice effect that exploiters couldnt fling around your unwelded parts

Have already done this, no luck. Tried again, no luck. Is the --nil = server a bit of code or just saying that nil = server?

Using – makes a comment, ignored by the code. And setting the networkowner to nil sets the owner to the server.

Yeah thought so. Setting the network owner does nothing. I don’t know if this problem is fixable.

I’m actually at a lost. I can’t find a fix for this.