Help with noob respawning system

im working on a noob respawn system for the noobs and here is the script

		noob.Humanoid.Health -= Spheredmg
	for i , v in pairs(game.Workspace.Noobs:GetChildren()) do
		if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
				if v.Humanoid.Health == 0 then
					while wait(0.1) do
						if v.Name == "Noob" then
							local noobpos = v.Torso.Position
						plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 10
						plr.ExpFolder.Expierience.Value += 5
						local clonednoob = game.ReplicatedStorage.Noob:Clone()
						clonednoob.HumanoidRootPart.Position = noobpos
						clonednoob.Parent = workspace.Noobs
					elseif v.Name == "ZombieNoob" then
							local noobpos2 = v.HumanoidRootPart.Position
						plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 20
						plr.ExpFolder.Expierience.Value += 10
						local clonednoob = game.ReplicatedStorage.ZombieNoob:Clone()
						clonednoob.HumanoidRootPart.Position = noobpos2
						clonednoob.Parent = workspace.Noobs

the error is obviously somewhere under the else if statement
bc here is what it does in game it makes the regalar noobs spawn perfectly but not the zombie noobs not sure what’s going on any help is appreciated

and there arena error in output

Any console error when testing in studio?

Could you tell what’s the issue exactly?? the Zombies not looking at the player??

Maybe any part of them is anchored. That’s what i can guess rn.

Issue: (zombie noobs spawn but don’t spawn in the last zombies position watch to the end of the video to see what I mea

if you didt hardcored each location for that balls to reach and then placed the zombies there then what i can gues from the video is that

the zombie getting cloned but not getting parented to the workspace.
print the zombie’s parent and see if they in the workspace or not.

just print the zombie and check where they are in the workspace