Help with NPC pathfinding

A Pathfinding system like this, it follows a set path

I have a script for this, however, over time new path bricks get added into the world. The NPC only follows the path that were created prior to the new bricks. So basically , it only follows the old ones, not the newly generated ones.

Could anyone help me?


This isn’t path finding, since you defined the path. Use a while loop to make the humanoid continue to walk to the next point in line.

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Sorry about that, but I AM using a while loop.
The new parts get generated, and the NPC only stays on the first path. They don’t go to the new bricks.

The loop is a while true loop, is that why there’s a problem?

May you show your current code then? Hard to help you without it.

local NPC = script.Parent
local Waypoints = game.Workspace.Nodes -- folder that contains the waypoint bricks

while true do
	for Waypoint=1, #Waypoints:GetChildren() do

Here’s my code.

Quick question, what are the names of these waypoints?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
They are all numbered, it’s the order in which the NPC follows.

I think this should fix the problem:

local NPC = script.Parent
local waypoints = workspace.Nodes -- folder that contains the waypoint bricks

local index = 0
while true do
	index += 1
	local waypoint = waypoints:WaitForChild(tostring(index), 10) -- 10 is the amount of time to wait before giving up
	if waypoint then
	else break end

This will make the NPC follow points in order, and if there is none left, it waits 10 seconds for more points, otherwise it stops walking.


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